
Today many people use search engines to find what they need, and surf the Internet page to page. NetBrilliant introduces a radical new way of looking at the web, from a human perspective. NetBrilliant is an environment in which you can interact with the Internet in an intuitive, simple, and very powerful way. You will be surprised at how much NetBrilliant opens the web up to you.

- Distribution
- Version in release
2.00 (July 16, 2001)
- Last update
2.00.003 (August 1, 2001)
- Download / install size
1.07 / 1.00 Mb
- Operating systems
Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP
- Other requirements
Internet connection, mouse

For more information on NetBrilliant, please visit the following sections and articles.

NetBrilliant currently offers a number of opportunities to businesses and individuals interested in using NetBrilliant to further establish their identities on the Internet. Specifically, NetBrilliant's DirectNames system allows you to acquire an English domain name, without dots, slashes, and extensions, so that your current and future customers can reach you with ease. Please visit our DirectNames section.

It is very hard to find what you want on the web. Ever spend an hour trying to find something and ultimately given up? Not an unfamiliar story to most people. NetBrilliant makes searching the web totally different, and completely easy. It's not like other systems, it doesn't just use a few standard search engines and validate the results. NetBrilliant uses a set of advanced tools to perform meaning analysis, to actually figure out what all the documents mean, so you don't have to work hard at all. It also introduces a new environment, built with the user in mind, allowing you to perform powerful operations with a single click.

The Internet is just not very user-friendly. It's hard for your visitors to remember your URL. And if it's a page, not just a domain, it's next to impossible. NetBrilliant solves this problem with its DirectNames service. Get your own DirectName today.

There are a lot of things you can do on the Internet. You can buy and sell items at auction, get the latest news and weather, research a subject, even see where over the country a plane is in real time. But what else is out there? The Internet, for you, is only as good as the sites you know about. And it's so big and there are so many new things all the time, you really don't know what's out there. NetBrilliant addresses this problem directly; it's the only system in the world that does. This is just one of the many ways NetBrilliant opens up the web to you.
Click on the above image to take the online tour. Please note that the file-sharing slides are out-of-date.
It's too early to see screenshots of the next version. As soon as shots become available, they will be posted here. Below is a list of features planned for the next NetBrilliant.
- Shopping cart
- Navigation window
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